Roman Provence

Roman Provence, vestiges of the past

Come and discover Roman Provence by visiting ancient cities and sites that bear witness to the greatness of ancient Rome. The traces and works left by the Romans prove their ingenuity in construction, their architectural performance, their know-how in the development of town planning.
Stay 3 days and 2 nights from 165 € on the basis of 50 paying -

Day 1: Arles-ACTA

Visit of the Museum of Ancient Art, an exceptional museum, its collection spans from Prehistory to Late Antiquity, a period between the 4th and 6th centuries. The collections are organized around ten models, which facilitate the context of the archaeological material discovered in certain large sites. Recently sumptuous 1st century frescoes worthy of Pompeii were discovered in a Roman house in Arles. Visit of the Arles Arena with ACTA which has the general goal of reviving through experimentation the practices of dueling of the medieval and ancient world. A team of professionals to demonstrate the consistency of their approach as much from a historical point of view as from a pedagogical point of view, during demonstrations and workshops of impressive realism and which fascinate the public, doing so go down in history. Half a day will be devoted to workshops such as sport, theater and gladiatorial or other ...
Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 2: Nîmes - Pont du Gard

Breakfast. Route to Nimes. Its origin dates back to the 6th century BC. A Celtic tribe, the Volques Arécomiques, settled around a generous spring. In 120 before JC they will welcome without resistance the legions coming from Rome. Nemausa, the Gallo-Roman city is about to be born. We offer you a guided tour on the theme of water, its importance in the founding of the ancient city. A route through the Castellum, the Maison Carrée, the historic center, the dyers' district. Direction Pont Du Gard. Site visit. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Pont du Gard is part of an exceptional environment. An exceptional Roman aqueduct built during the period of Augustus. A remarkable architecture notifying of the great engineering of the Romans in the construction and the masterysome water.
Lunch in the form of a picnic.
Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 3: Vaison-la-Romaine and the Orange theater

Breakfast. Visit of Vaison-la-Romaine with its archaeological museum and its ancient sites (Puymin and Villasse) which bear witness to 2000 years of an art of living. Road to Orange to visit its Roman theater the best preserved in Europe. An exceptional performance venue, registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List, still used during events, particularly during the Chorégies d'Orange in summer, a major opera and classical music festival.
Lunch in the form of a picnic.
Free dinner.
The course of our circuits is given as an indication. Our programs are subject to modification due to imperatives beyond our control such as flight rotations, market days, boat schedules, change of schedule of entrances to sites, imposed reservation schedules, etc. However, the services provided will be respected, except in cases of force majeure.
Le prix inclut les prestations suivantes :

  • 2 nuits : hébergement en pension complète en Auberge de Jeunesse dans le centre de Paris sur la base de chambres multiples et doubles pour les accompagnateurs .
  • 2 dîners
  • 2 paniers-repas
  • Toutes les visites comme indiquées sur le programme:
  • Le droit de réservation du Musée d'Arles antique.
  • La journée ACTA avec 3 ateliers.
  • La visite guidée de Nîmes
  • La visite du Pont du Gard
  • La visite guidée de Vaison-la-Romaine
  • Les entrées + audioguide du théâtre d'Orange
  • Un serveur vocal Parents/Accompagnateurs (codes parents/accompagnateurs)
  • Un service web « la malle aux images » pour déposer vos photos durant le séjour sur le site (avec codes pour parents/accompagnateurs)
  • L’assistance-rapatriement-multirisque
  • Une assistance et numéro d’urgence 24 h /24 – 7 j/7
  • Un dossier technique –logistique et culturel pour la préparation du voyage pour les accompagnateurs.
Le prix n’inclut pas :

  • L’adhésion à l’association de tourisme loi 1901, elle est obligatoire pour les adultes 10 € par adulte.
  • Le transport ( demande sur devis)
  • La taxe de séjour 
  • Le supplément en chambre individuelle 
  • Toutes les visites non mentionnées sur le programme 
En option :
  • L’assurance-annulation voyage (groupe et individuelle) 
  • Un guide-conférencier vous accompagnant et guidant sur tout le séjour ou ponctuellement (sur demande)
  • Possibilité de modifier les visites mentionnées dans le programme
Autres visites :
  • Musée de la Romanité
  • Le site archéologique de Glanum

All the services you need,in one place

We have everything you need to make your stay as pleasant as possible!

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